Sunday, 4 August 2013

More Summer Work Experience! - Hospice!

This time I have managed to get some work experience volunteering at a local hospice in Cornwall (there are only 2 adult hospices in the county!)
I am going in tomorrow morning to meet the staff and doctors that work there and to sort out a timetable of what I can expect to do over whatever time period I am there for.

Luckily one of the doctors that works there has a son, and my Dad actually coaches her son cricket so she has been super super kind in doing me a favour and allowing me to shadow her and the other doctors as they go and visit the patients in the hospice! :)

Of course volunteering in a hospice is going to be a massive change in environment to the GP's surgery. My dad said to me "are you sure you won't find it too upsetting going to see all the dying people" - no dad, hopefully not! Obviously I will find some of the patients upsetting, but hell that won't put me off medicine! It's all about seeing the "less glamorous" side of the career, you may see doctors that are saving adorable little babies everyday, but you also have doctors caring for the well being of people that are sadly dying! It will be interesting to see the difference in communication between doctor and patient in a different environment and situation.

I shall just be my usual cheery self and I will let you all know how my first day goes!

Peace out + science love

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