Friday, 23 May 2014

WOAH, like 7 months away time!

Jesus wept.
Massive apologies for the mammoth delay in any posts. Its been an unbelievably busy past couple of months.
Everything in a nutshell:
DIDNT GET INTO MEDSCHOOL :( massive sad face I know, and to top it all off, my GAMSAT score was 59, the cut off score this year, was 60. So I missed out on interview by one point. Yes I spent several days crying into science books and generally moping around. I got my highest score in the essay section, followed by the first section, and really oddly, my worst mark was science *hangs head in shame*.

On reflection, for my first time at the GAMSAT, I'm happy with my mark only being one away from the cut off point. At least I didn't horrendously fail!

Next news: I started applying for Masters courses here in the UK. I applied for ones related to fertility/embryology as thats the kinda field I could have wanted to go into if I had gone to med school.

I've been firmly accepted to study for a MMed Sci Assisted Reproductive Technology at Nottingham University with the hopes of becoming an Embryologist.
I am hugely upset/frustrated that I did not get into medical school, especially it being ONE PIGGING MARK AWAY!!! 
I'm just happy that I am continuing my science studies in an area I find fascinating and where I can still make a difference and help people. (Help everyone have babies to be precise!)

My university tutor told me many fantastic medics get in on their second and third attempt, but I've got some thinking to do if I want to re take the GAMSAT and apply again next year.
Also thinking of changing the blog name to something generally more "science is super awesome everyone should love it kinda thing". But I'm still here to answer all your questions about the med school process!

P.S: I graduate in 3 weeks HOLYSHIT


  1. Dear Hannah,

    I've stumbled across your blog while looking to see how people have done applying for GEM this year (particularly as I'll be taking the GAMSAT for the first time) and wanted to say I'm sorry you were unsuccessful this year. You seem like a wonderful candidate, very self-aware and determined, and congrats on your GAMSAT score!

    I am just about to finish my MSc in Toxicology, a masters I undertook following four straight out rejections from medical school this time last year, so wanted to send you this message to let you know what it's like from this side as you're planning on embarking on a masters. The extra year of knowledge and specialism in a subject area you might not have had a chance to study is wonderful, and you will see how many more career doors open for you. Youo might find yourself regretting your choices somewhere along the year but keep at it because at the end of the day the qualification makes you all the more valuable as an employee. Reaching the end of my year I've found other areas I'd be interested in as a career, but am considering applying for medicine again this October after a year away from applications.

    Have a look at when your course date finishes, and when the course dates for medicine begin, as you may find that even if you want to apply this year you may not be able to as they overlap. That was the case for a guy on my MSc who was offered a place for graduate entry medicine, but had to turn it down as it would mean dropping the last semester of our masters to attend. I called around and checked with universities and they confirmed that I wouldn't be able to apply, which gave me a year to focus on my masters, and now as I'm just knuckling down for my final exams I'm starting to think about applying again.

    What I'm trying to say in a really long and convoluted way is you never know how you will feel at the end of your masters. I know some people who were set on medicine, who have done a masters and feel complete, satisfied and have found something they love! Whereas I have spent a year doing a bit of soul searching in the career areas around my degree and, while I have found other options I would enjoy, am still determined to pursue medicine for as many more years as I can without being too disheartened by rejection!

    Make the most of your masters year, soak up all the extra knowledge and either be the best at what you do, or backlog it for your next medical school application. Everything is worthwhile in the end! I'm sure you will have a fantastic year.

    Best of luck with everything :)

  2. I wouldn't worry about it too much. First time I sat the GAMSAT, I missed the SGUL cut-off by 2 points in one section (2013 entry, 55 in each; 57 overall). I sat it again the following year, but only because I'd forgotten I'd booked it until 2 weeks before due to family illness over the Summer and other issues (otherwise, I'd have cancelled it), didn't apply but would have been 1pt under, again.

    Sat it a THIRD time this March, booked it in the last 15 minutes of the application window, pretty much gave up and stopped caring because I was applying to other jobs and only sat it because I've gotten into the routine of sitting the GAMSAT. Didn't do any prep save for trying to remember how I wrote my essay in the last sitting and somehow, now that I have a decent score, it brought all that old optimism back and I'll be reapplying next year.

    It isn't the best example, seeing as I've done it through the law of averages rather than grafting and re-learning the concepts of the three sciences, but it should be an example of why you shouldn't quite give up quite so easily.

  3. I suppose you have graduated already.Congratulations!!

    How are you spening your summer before you do your masters? Are you preparing or relaxing?

  4. Sorry you were unsuccessful I have read your entire blog from the start and was rooting for you. :( if you do try again you really should try the UKCAT its the type of test where you can either do it or you can't its all about putting simple information together quickly. I am due to sit GAMSAT next week and I would be terrified if I hadn't done so well in UKCAT, so I guess the point you made about revising for both early on is, remember you only need to do well in one. Plus your GAMSAT is good for 2 years. Although you are cutting it fine for this cycle, with your experiences etc... I don't think would take much for you to get a place by recycling most of your previous application. Did you get any interviews? Hope you got your 1st and thank you so much for blogging your trials and tribulations it has been incredibly helpful.
